Bank Mission

Category: Logistics


  • This mission is quite rare and map dependent. The mission is looking to see if you are in range of a building called “Land_Offices_01_V1_F” and most cities do not have this building, even fewer maps have it.

  • Go to a bank with a boxer truck and wait (x) minutes to complete.

  • The timer will attract all nearby patrols in the vicinity.

  • The bank is made of glass so this can be hard to pull off.

  • Get to the top floor and pick enemies off from above.


Note that cells which have two values separated by a / indicate that the reward or penalty depends on if the mission was created with a “difficulty” modifier. The difficulty modifier will make the mission harder but increase the payout. The exact formula is: if a random number 1-10 is lower than your War Level then make the mission harder but with higher payout.




Town Support

Next Attack

Enemy Aggression

Player Points

Commander Points


5000/10000 €


If you bring the truck for the Bank Mission close enough to the bank to start the countdown, you will lose 20 or 40 support depending on difficulty. The enemy will gain 10 or 20 support. Again, this is just by starting the countdown, success or failure after that will not change the support further.

30 / 60 minute delay

20 / 40 for 2 hours

10 / 20









-10 / -20