Resource Acquisition / Take The Outpost

Category: Conquest


Take the Outpost

  • This refers to an outpost as it is marked on the map and sometimes refers to a checkpoint.

  • If they map marker for the mission is on a road and is not on an outpost, then it is a checkpoint. In which case this is an easy way to gain some gear and money.

  • Refer to taking a strategic zone section for more tips on capturing outposts.

Resource Acquisition

  • Take a resource depot. You do not have to keep the resource after you take it.

  • Do not use explosives like mortars or GMGs. civilians are inside and if killed you will incur aggression penalties and the resources will be “destroyed”.

  • Resources typically have weakened defences compared to outposts.


Note that cells which have two values separated by a / indicate that the reward or penalty depends on if the mission was created with a “difficulty” modifier. The difficulty modifier will make the mission harder but increase the payout. The exact formula is: if a random number 1-10 is lower than your War Level then make the mission harder but with higher payout.




Town Support

Next Attack

Enemy Aggression

Player Points

Commander Points


200/400 €


-5 / -10 Occupier support in nearest town

10 / 20 minute delay


10 / 20





+5 / +10 Occupier support in nearest town

10 / 20 minutes sooner



-10 / -20